1. Clicky Aesthetics: Deleuze, Headphonics, and the Minimalist Assemblage of "Aberrations"
2. Bastin, Claire (2005), ‘DJ Spooky, That Subliminal Kid’ [interview with Paul Miller] (Accessed 20 May 2012), http://www.freeradicalsounds.com/spooint.htm.
3. Baxter, Erica (1997), ‘Interview with DJ Spooky’ [interview with Paul Miller].Resonance5/2 (Accessed 30 April 2012), http://www.l-m-c.org.uk/texts/spooky.html.
4. Chang, Jeff (2005), Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation. London: Ebury Press.