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2. Alarcón Daniel Cooper. 1988–1990. ‘The Aztec Palimpsest: Toward a New Understanding of Aztlán Cultural Identity and History.’ Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 19 no. 2: 33–68.
3. Clicky Aesthetics: Deleuze, Headphonics, and the Minimalist Assemblage of "Aberrations"
4. Bachelard, Gaston. 1947. Earth and Reveries of Will. Translated by Kenneth Haltman. Paris: Josef Corti.
5. Barron Bebe. 2000. ‘Bebe Barron Interview.’ Interviewed by Jerry Modjeski. Internet Archive. https://ia800209.us.archive.org/25/items/bebebarroninterview/Track 1.mp3.