1. Baoyou daquan 保幼大全 (BGD 502: Great Compendium on the Protection of Children in: Weisheng zongwei lun 衛生總微論 [Complete and Detailed Discourse on Protecting Life]). Anonymous. Southern Song. 20 juan.
2. Beihulu 北戶錄 (BGD 37: Records from Beihu [i.e. remote places in the South here the Lingnan area]). Duan Gonglu 段公路 (9th c.). 3 juan.
3. Bencao gangmu 本草綱目 (Comprehensive Chinese Materia Medica.) Li Shizhen 李時珍 (1518–1593). 1572. 52 juan (text) + 2 juan (ills.).
4. Bencao yanyi buyi 本草衍義補遺 (BGD 42: Supplement to Extended Meanings of Materia Medica). Zhu Zhenheng 朱震亨 (1282–1358). 1358. 1 juan.
5. Bianmin tuzuan 便民圖纂 (BGD 47: Illustrated Compilation to Benefit People). Anonymous. Published by Guang Fan 鄺璠. 1502. 16 juan.