1. S. J. Allen, W. D. Hurt, J. H. Krupp, J. A. Ratliff, C. H. Durney, and C. C. Johnson. Measurement of radiofrequcncy power absorption in monkeys, phantoms and human phantoms exposed to 10-50 MHz fields. Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Waves (Selected Papers of the USNC/URSI Annual Meeting, Boulder. CO). Vol. II, Oct. 20–23, 1975, pp. 83–95. (HEW Publication (FDA) 77–8011, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402).
2. W. T. Joines, C. F. Blackman, and M. A. Hollis. Broadening of the RF power-density window for calcium-ion efllux from brain tissue. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME-28, 568–573, Aug, 1981.
3. S. V. Marshall, R. F. Brown, C. W. Hughes, and P. V. Marshall. An environmentally controlled exposure system for irradiation of mice at frequencies below 500 MHz. Proe. 1981 IEEE Int. Symp. on Electromag. Compat., 1981, pp. 99–104.
4. D. A. Hill. Human radiowave absorption from 7 to 40 MHz. Proceedings of a Workshop on the Protection of Personnel Against Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation, J. C. Mitchell, Ed., USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aeromedical Review, 3–81. Sept. 1981. pp. 170–175.
5. D. A. Hill. Human whole-body radiofrequency absorbtion studies using a TEM-cell exposure system. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., MTT-30, 1847–1857, November 1982.