1. R.Serota, “Heating with Radio Waves”, Automation, September 1973.
2. D.L. Conover, W.E. Murray, E.D. Foley, J.M. Lary and W.H.Parr, “Measurement of Electric and Magnetic Field Strengths from Industrial Radiofrequency(6–38 MHz) Plastic Sealers”, Proc.IEE, Vol. 68, no.1, 1978.
3. I. Chatterjee, M.H. Hagmann and O.P. Gandhi, “Eletromagnetic Energy Deposition in an Inhomogeneous Block Model of Man for Near-field Irradiation Conditions”, presented at IEEE/MTT-s Intern. Microwave Symp., Washington, D.C., May 28#x2013;30, 1980.
4. “Report on the Surveys of Radio Frequency Heaters”, Environmental Health Directorate, Health and Welfare Canada, Document No.80-EHD-47, 1980.
5. Safety Code—6. “Recommended Safety Procedures for the Installation and Use od RAdiofrequency and Microwave Devices in the Frequency Range 10 MHz-30, 1979.