1. Ardizzoni, Sabrina. “Shih Li-Jen: His Oeuvre, and His Vision of the Rhino and Unfettered Consumption.” Paper presented at Beauty and the Beast: Venice and the Rhino a Symposium, Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venice, 24 November 2018.
2. Ardizzoni, Sabrina. “Shih Li-Jen – Mr Rhino.” Accessed August 12, 2020. http://www.smagtw.org/SHHLi-Jen/Article/texts/ShihLi-JenMrRhinoE.html.
3. Baravelle, Marco. “On the Biennale’s Ruins? Inhabiting the Void, Covering the Distance.” Institute of Radical Imagination, 2 May 2020. https://instituteofradicalimagination.org/2020/05/02/on-the-biennales-ruins-inhabiting-the-void-covering-the-distance-by-marco-baravalle/
4. Improving Conservation Outcomes: Understanding Scientific, Historical and Cultural Dimensions of the Illicit Trade in Rhinoceros Horn