1. EU Cohesion Policy and European Integration
2. Bachtler, J., Polverari, L., Oraz, E. H., Clement, K. & Tödtling-Schönhofer, H. (2009). Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2000–2006 co-financed by the ERDF (Objective 1 and 2): Management and implementation systems for Cohesion Policy. Report to the Commission of the European Communities, Brussels.
3. Barca, F. (2009). An agenda for a reformed Cohesion Policy, a place based approach to meeting European Union challenges and expectations. Independent report prepared at the request of Danuta Hubner, Commissioner for Regional Policy.
4. Too much of a good thing? On the growth effects of the EU's regional policy
5. Effects of EU Regional Policy: 1989-2013