1. Ishii, N., Imaichi, K. and Hirose, A. Dynamic Instability of Tainter Gates. in IAHR/IUTAM Symp. on Practical Experiences with Flow-Induced Vibrations, Karlsruhe 1979. Edited by: Naudascher and Rockwell. Springer.
2. Kolkman, P. A. Development of Vibration-Free Gate Design. in IAHR/IUTAM Symp. see Ref. [1]; also Delft Hydraulics Publ. 219
3. Kolkman, P. A. and Vrijer, A. Gate Edge Suction as a Cause of Self-Exciting Vertical Vibrations. 17th IAHR Congress Baden-Baden 1977. Paper C49; also Delft Hydraulics Publ. 188
4. Vrijer, A. Stability of Vertically Movable Gates. in IAHR/IUTAM Symp. see Ref. [1]; also Delft Hydraulics Publ. 222