1. De Geer, Gerard. Stockholmstraktens kvartärgeologi. Sv. Geol. Und.Ser. Ba, Nr. 12. Stockholm, 1932.—Data, 18.
2. De Geer, Gerard. Geology and Geochronology.Geogr. Ann., Bd. 16, Stockholm, 1934.—Data, 19.
3. De Geer, Gerard. Geochronology and distal sedimentation.Union Géog. et Géophys. Internationale, Trans., 1936. Paris 1936.
4. De Geer, Gerard. On the Solar curve as dating the ice age, the New York moraine, and Niagara Falls.Geogr. Ann., Bd.8. Stockholm, 1926.—Data, 9.
5. De Geer, Gerard. Late glacial clay varves in Argentina, measured by Dr Carl Caldenius, dated and connected with the Swedish time scale.Geogr. Ann., Bd.9. Stockholm, 1927.—Data, 10.