1. Jobson, Richard. 1968.The Golden Trade or A Discovery of the River Gambia, and the Golden Trade of the Aethiopians86–106. (London, 1623, reprinted with a new introduction by Walter Rodney, 112; K.G. Davies,The Royal African Company(London, 1957), 38–41; J.W. Blake, ‘The farm of the Guinea Trade, 1631’ in H.A. Cronne, T.W. Moody, and D.B. Quinn (eds),Essays in British and Irish History(London, 1949)
2. Davies.Royal African Company371–2. 38–9, 41. P.R.O., London, High Court of Admiralty examinations (hereafter H.C.A.) 13/63, fos 222–5. For other evidence see Elizabeth Donnan (ed.),Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America, 4 vols (Washington, 1930–35), especially vol.1. Ernst van den Boogaart and Pieter C. Emmer, ‘The Dutch participation in the Atlantic slave trade, 1596–1650’ in Henry A. Gemery and Jan S. Hogendorn (eds),The Uncommon Market: Essays in the Economic History of the Atlantic Slave Trade(New York, 1979)
3. 2nd Series;Steckley
4. Steckley, ed.Letters of John Paige23–4. ix-XXV