1. This is inexplicable, since there were 92 frames in a total length of 112½ ft. Later on we are told that the thwarts were 3 ft. and ⅓ and I in. apart. Possibly we should readbanchifor chorbe and correct the figures also
2. The magier de bochawas a heavy longitudinal stringer on the inside of the frames. The ends of the deck beams rested on it
3. This accounts for the four midship frames
4. Of the three oars of a bank thepianiawas the longest and had its thole pin furthest aft, while theterzaruolwas the shortest and had its thole pin furthest forward. Thepostizothole pin was thus the middle one of each group of three
5. This gives the position and angle of a thwart. At the inner end it was ¼ ft. abaft a line drawn athwartships from the middle thole pin. At the stanchion near its outer end (standing on thechordaor stringer) it was 14 in. abaft this line