1. 1899.The History of the Russian Fleet during the Reign of Peter the Great, by a Contemporary Englishman5 A list can be found in Sir C. A. G. Bridge (Publications of the Navy Records Society, London, Vol. XV
2. Luttreil, N. 1857.A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs535–27. Oxford IV, p. Dr R. C. Anderson, in his valuable ‘British and American Officers in the Russian Navy’ (Mariner's Mirror(1947), Vol. XXXIII, pp. 17), appears to confuse him with some other Englishman of the same name
3. Spisok Russkikh voennykh sudov V442–52. Of 123 ships of all types laid down at Voronezh for the Black Sea fleet during this period, at least 10 were designed by British builders (F. F. Veselago, 1668po1860god(St Petersburg, 1872), pp.). A list of British shipbuilders at work on the River Don in 1710 can be found in Charles Whitworth,An Account of Russia as it was in the year1710 (Strawberry Hill, 1758), pp. 142–3, 145. (The author was British envoy and later ambassador to Russia in the years 1704–1712.)
4. 1715.Reasons for the Present Conduct of Sweden…set forth in a Letterfrom a Gentleman at Dantzig to his Friend at Amsterdam15London