1. Apple, Jaki. 2012. “Alternative Reconsidered.” In Alternative Histories: New York Art Spaces, 1960–2010, edited by Lauren Rosati and Mary Anne Staniszewski, 17–22. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
2. Art Exchange. 1978. “Review of the Record As Artwork Moore College of Art February 3–March 8 1978.” Art Exchange May. Author unknown.
3. Artists Space. “History.” Accessed January 23 2024. https://artistsspace.org/about#history.
4. Artists Space. n.d. “Press Release Audio Works at Artists Space.” https://texts.artistsspace.org/ixyplp0j.
5. Cluett Seth. 2014. Ephemeral Immersive Invasive: Sound as Curatorial Theme 1966–2013. In The Multisensory Museum: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Touch Sound Smell Memory and Space eds. Nina Levent and Alvaro Pascual-Leone 109–118. Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield.