1. Hutzler, N. J., Murphy, B. E. and Gierke, J. S. Review of Soil Vapor Extraction System Technology. Soil Vapor Extraction Technology Workshop. June 28–29, Edison, New Jersey: U.S. EPA RREL.
2. DiGiulio, D. C., Cho, J. S., Dupont, R. R. and Kemblowski, M. W. Conducting Field Tests for Evaluation of Soil Vacuum Extraction Application. Proceedings, 4th National Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring, and Geophysical Methods. May14–17. pp.587Las Vegas, Nevada
3. Fall, E. W. In-Situ Hydrocarbon Extraction: A Case Study. Presented at the Southwestern Ground Water Focus Conference. March23–25, Albuquerque, New Mexico. see alsoThe Hazardous Waste Consultant, p. 1–1 (January/February 1989)
4. Hutzler, N. J., McKenzie, D. B. and Gierke, J. S. Vapor Extraction of Volatile Organic Chemicals from Unsaturated Soil. Abstracts, International Symposium on Processes Governing the Movement and Fate of Contaminants in the Subsurface Environment. July23–26. Stanford, California