1. Horwitz, E. P. and Schulz, W. W. Application of the TRUEX Process to the Decontamination of Nuclear Waste Streams. International Solvent Extraction Conference, Munich. September11–161986. Vol. I, pp.81–89. Federal Republic of Germany.
2. CUSEP—A New Mathematical Model of Pulsed Column Contactors Using the Purex Process
3. Nabeshima, M., Kitahara, M., Tanaka, C. and Shuto, M. Dynamic Simulation Code (DYNAC) for the PUREX Cycle Composed of Pulsed Columns. Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series No. 103. pp.307–321. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press. in Extraction '87: The Recovery of High Value Materials
4. Calculation of Contactors with Longitudinal Mixing