1. Specialty Care Medical Homes For People With Severe, Persistent Mental Disorders
2. American Psychological Association 1998 Interprofessional Health Care Services in Primary Care Settings: Implications for Education and Training of Psychologists , final report submitted to the US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Work Order Requisition no. 97M220464, June, available at: < http://www.apa.org/ed/resources/samhsa.pdf > ( accessed 30 October 2010 ).
3. Baldwin , D. C. Jr 2006 ‘Two Faces of Professionalism’, in Healing as Vocation: A Medical Professionalism Primer, K. Parsi & M. N. Sheehan , Rowman & Littlefield , Lanham, MD , pp. 103 – 18 .
4. Caring and Social Justice
5. Refining and implementing the Tavistock principles for everybody in health care Commentary: Justice in health care a response to Tavistock