1. See for example,Young Mrs Murray goes to Bloemfontein 1856–1860Murray J. Cape Town1954 13 13
2. Lewis, B. 1950.I remember8–10. Wynberg 37.
3. February 1869.UCT Libraries, BC 601, Caroline Molteno Papers, DiaryVol. 1, February, 119–119. 9, aged about fifteen, she wore a veil and carried a parasol to keep out the sun; J. Murray (ed.)Mrs Dale's diary(Cape Town, 1966), p. 26, Charlie aged about eight, was put into his first suit;SA Commercial Advertiser and Cape Town Mail (SACA & CTM), 9 September 1856, advertisement for “infants richly embroidered cashmere cloaks”.
4. September 1869.UCT Libs., BC 601, DiaryVol. 2, September, 173–173. 11