1. Ball, WE and Carlton, JS. Podded Propulsor Shaft Loads from Free-running Model Experiments in Calm Water and Waves. The Journal of Maritime Engineering, Trans RINA. In course of publication.
2. Ball, WE and Carlton, JS. Podded Propulsor Shaft Loads from Model Experiments for Berthing Manoeuvres. The Journal of Maritime Engineering, Trans RINA. In course of publication.
3. Gutsch, F. Untersuchung von Schiffsschrauben in Schra¨ger Anstromung. Schiffbanforschung, 3,1964.
4. Frolova, I, Kaprantsev, S, Pustoshny, A and Veikonheimo, T. Development of the Propeller Series for Azipod Compact. T-Pod Conf., Brest, 2006.
5. Report of the Podded Propulsor Committee. Proc. 25th ITTC. Edinburgh, 2005.