1. Interregional Inequalities in Indonesia: A Sectoral Decomposition Analysis for 1975–92
2. Akita, Takahito and Kawamura, Kazumi. Regional income inequality in China and Indonesia: a comparative analysis. Paper presented at the 46th Congress of European Regional Science Association. August27–312002, Dortmund, Germany. Available athttp://www.ersa.org/ and http://econpapers.hhs.se/paper/wiwwiwrsa/ersa02p432.htm.
3. Akita, Takahito and Kataoka, Mitsuhiko. Regional income inequality in the post-war Japan. Paper presented at the 47th Congress of European Regional Science Association. August27–302003, Jyvaskyla, Finland. Available athttp://econpapers.hhs.se/paper/wiwwiwrsa/ersa03p480.htm
4. Economic growth and regional income inequality in Brazil
5. Convergence