1. Foster, N.F. 1970.Handbook of Thin Film Technology, Edited by: Maisell, L.I. and Glang, R. 15–11. New York: McGraw-Hill. chap. 15 to 15-15.
2. Abelès, F. 1963.Progress in OpticsEdited by: Wolf, E. Vol. II, 251–288.
3. Rouard, P. and Bousquet, P. 1965.Progress in OpticsEdited by: Wolf, E. Vol. IV, 147–197.
4. Pelletier, E. 1991.Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids II, Edited by: Palik, E.D. 57–73. Boston: Academic Press.
5. Determination of refractive indices and thickness of absorbing crystalline thin films by using prism coupler