1. Adamson, Peter, and Fedor Benevich. The Heirs of Avicenna: Philosophy in the Islamic East, 12-13th Centuries Metaphysics and Theology. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
2. Arıcı, Müstakim, and Mehmet Arıkan. Taşradan Merkeze Bir Osmanlı Ulema Ailesi Taşköprülüzâdeler ve İsâmüddin Ahmed Efendi. Istanbul: Ilem, 2020.
3. Aristotle. Categories and De Interpretatione. Trans. with notes by J. L. Ackrill. Oxford: Clarendon, 2002.
4. Aristotle. Metaphysics. Trans. with an Introduction and Notes by C. D. C. Reeve. Indianapolis, Cambridge: Hackett Publishing, 2016.