1. Primary Sources
2. Avicebron [Solomon Ibn Gabirol]. The Font of Life (Fons vitae). Translated by J. Laumakis. Milwaukee: Marquette University, 2014.
3. Grosseteste, Robert. La luce [On Light]. Edited and translated by C. Panti. Pisa: Pisa University Press, 2011.
4. Grosseteste, Robert. Commentarius in VIII libros Physicorum Aristotelis [Notes on the Eight Books of Aristotle’s Physics]. Edited by Richard C. Dales. Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 1963.
5. Grosseteste, Robert. “De motu corporali et luce [On Bodily Motion and Light]”. In Die philosophischen Werke Grossetestes, edited by Ludwig Baur, 90–2. Münster: Aschendorff, 1912.