1. Iceberg-Seabed Interaction (Northern Labrador Sea)
2. Iceberg crater marks on the sea floor, Labrador Shelf
3. Borgström, I., 1979: Geomorphological map 18 C SYLARNA - Description and assessment of areas of geomorphological importance. Statens Naturvårdsverk, rapport(snv pm 1233).
4. Borgström, I., 1983: Geomorphological map 17 C FUNÄSDALEN - Description and assessment of areas of geomorphological importance. Statens Naturvårdsverk, rapport(snv pm 1709).
5. Borgström, I., 1989: Terrängformerna och den glaciala utvecklingen i södra fjällen = Geomorphology and Glacial History of the Middle Swedish Mountains (PhD dissertation). Stockholm University, Stockholm. Retrieved from http://urn.kb.se/resolve?