1. Barnett, Rosalind C., and Caryl Rivers. 2011. “Mancession Focus Masks Women’s Real Losses.” WOMEN’SeNews. https://womensenews.org/2011/05/man-cession-focus-masks-womens-real-losses/
2. Bennet, Jessica, and Jesse Ellison. 2010. “Women Will Rule the World.” Newsweek, July 5. Accessed 4 November 2021. https://www.newsweek.com/women-will-rule-world-74603
3. He-cession? She-cession? The Gendered Impact of the Great Recession in the United States
4. Feminism for Them?
5. Goudreau, Jenna. 2010. “Mancession or Momcession?” Forbes, May 11. Accessed 16 November 2021. https://www.forbes.com/sites/work-in-progress/2010/05/11/jobs-recession-economy-women-earnings-mancession-momcession/.