1. Avery, M, Giblen, E, Weekes, A M and Zuby, D S. Developments in Dynamic Whiplash Assessment Procedures. Proc. International Conference on Neck Injuries in Road Traffic and Prevention Strategies. Munich, Germany. pp.14 Paper No. 5
2. Avery, M and Weekes, A M. Dynamic Testing of Vehicle Seats to Reduce Whiplash Injury Risk: An International Protocol. Proc. ICrash 2006 Conference. Athens, Greece. pp.11
3. Boström, O, Svensson, M Y, Aldman, B, Hansson, H A, Håland, Y, Lövsund, P, Seeman, T, Suneson, A, Säljö, A and Örtengren, T. A New Neck Injury Criterion Candidate-Based on Injury Findings in the Cervical Spinal Ganglia after Experimental Neck Extension Trauma. Proc. International IRCOBI Conference. pp.123–136.
4. Davidsson, J, Ono, K, Inami, S, Svensson, M Y and Lövsund, P. A Comparison between Volunteer, BioRID P3 and Hybrid III Performance in Rear Impacts. Proc. International IRCOBI Conference. pp.165–178.
5. Edwards, M, Smith, S, Zuby, D S and Lund, A K. Improved Seat and Head Restraint Evaluations. Proc. 19th ESV Conference. Paper 05-0374-O