1. All figures in this paragraph are from Ministry of Economic Development,Energy Data File January 2004, available at www.med.govt.nz, andEnergy Data File July 2002.In 2001, New Zealand's percentage of renewables as part of total consumer energy (29 per cent) compared with six per cent for Australia and the United States and 25 per cent for Sweden: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority,National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy(Wellington: the Authority, September 2001), p 5.
2. Performance in the related field of energy efficiency has also not been good, compared either with other OECD countries, or with the levels of 20 years ago:New Zealand Energy Outlook to 2020(Wellington: Ministry for Economic Development, 2000), p vi, andKey World Energy Statistics(Paris: International Energy Agency, 2003), p 55. But it must be seen in the light of the large role of processing of primary produce from mines, farms and forests, and of development and then retrenchment of a petrochemical industry.
3. New Zealand is seeing rapid growth in wind energy generation capacity.
4. B J Barton, ‘From Public Service to Market Commodity: Electricity and Gas Law in New Zealand’ (1998) 16JERL351.