1. BLACK, J. L.Soviet-Canadian Relations, 1917-1985: A Bibliography. (Institute of Soviet and East European Studies, Bibliography No. 4.) Ottawa: Institute of Soviet and East European Relations, Carleton University, 1985. iv, 142 pp.
2. BRADSHAW, Michael J., and Robert N. NORTH.A Bibliography on Soviet Industrial Location. Vancouver: Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, 1984. 82 pp.
3. DALNEY, Marian. “Ohliad zbirnykiv ‘Slovo’.”NoviDni, XXXVI, no. 420,18-22.
4. ELWOOD, R. C. (Ed. and intro.).Russian and Eastern European History: Selected Papers from the Second World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies. Berkeley, Calif.: Berkeley Slavic Specialties, 1984. 306 pp.
5. The First Five Years. Toronto, Ont.: Chair of Ukrainian Studies, University of Toronto, 1985. [16 pp.]