1. _and Boris BALAN.Political Refugees and Displaced Persons, 1945-1954. Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 1982. 424 pp.
2. GUNAR, Daniel.Contact des Langues et Bilinguisme en Europe Orientale: Bibliographie Analytique / Language Contact and Bilingualism in Eastern Europe: Analytical Bibliography. Québec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1979. 391 pp.
3. HALASZ DE BEKY, Ivan.Hungarian Linguistics of the 16th-19th Century: A Bibliography of Works in the University of Toronto John P. Robarts Research Library. Toronto, 1982. 15 pp.
4. _Hungarian Poetry in English and French: A Bibliography of Works in the John P. Robarts Research Library of the University of Toronto. Toronto, 1982. 16 pp.
5. _Rare Hungarian and Hungary-Related Books of the 16th-19th Century: A Bibliography of works in the John P. Robarts Research Library of the University of Toronto. Toronto 1982, 18 pp.