1. A new microprocessor based islanding protection algorithm for dispersed storage and generation units
2. Funabashi, T., Koyanagi, K. and Yokoyama, R. A review of islanding detection methods for distributed resources. IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference. Vol. 2, pp.23–26. Bologna, Italy
3. Yin, J., Chang, L. and Diduch, C. Recent development in islanding detection for distributed power generation. Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering (LESCOPE). 28-30 July. pp.124–128. Halifax, Canada
4. Salman, S. K., King, D. J. and Weller, G. New loss of mains detection algorithm for embedded generation using rate of change of voltage and changes in power factors. Developments in Power System Protection Conference. 9-12 April. pp.82–85. Amsterdam, The Netherlands IEE Publication 479
5. A practical method for assessing the effectiveness of vector surge relays for distributed generation applications