1. The other, P. H. T. Rogers, was also an Assistant Lecturer in Laws and served in the Royal Air Force. See “Annual Report of the Delegacy for the Session 1942–43” in King's College London, Calendar for 1944–45 (Bungay, Suffolk: Richard Clay, 1945), 241 et seq. There is also a memorial in the All Souls' College chapel in Oxford, in that case to Latham and H. W. Davies, the two All Souls' fellows who died in the Second World War. For the text of this last memorial see F. E. Hutchison (ed.), Monumental Inscriptions in All Souls College Oxford (Oxford: All Souls' College, 1949; 2nd ed., 1997), 88–89. (I am grateful to Professor G. A. Cohen for information regarding this memorial.)