1. Enlightenment's Frontier
2. ‘Anderson Papers’, XIV, BL Add. MS 45430.
3. Boswell, James, Journal of a Tour of the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson (1785), ed. R.W. Chapman (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1974).
4. Barnard, Alan, ‘Orang Outang and the Definition of Man. The Legacy of Lord Monboddo’, in Fieldwork and Footnotes. Studies in the History of European Anthropology, ed. Arturo Alvarez Roldan and Han Vermeulen (London, New York: Routledge, 1995), 95–112.
5. Barnard, Alan, ‘Monboddo’s Orang Outang and the Definition of Man’, in Ape, Man, Apeman: Changing Views since 1600, ed. Raymond Corbey and Bert Theunissen (Leiden: Leiden University, 1995), 72–85.