1. Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva, On Slavery! Memoir Addressed to the General, Constituent and Legislative Assembly of the Empire of Brazil, (London, Butterworh, 1826).
2. Aurélio de Araujo Oliveira, ‘As relações políticas e comerciais luso-britânicas: a carta primeira de William Walton ao Conde Grey (1831)’, in Actas do Colóquio comemorativo do VI Centenário do Tratado de Windsor (Facultade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 1988), 131–150.
3. Juan Manuel Aragüés and Luis Arenas, Marx contemporáneo (Madrid, Plaza&Janés, 2021).
4. Louis-Auguste Felix de Beaujour, Sketch of the Unites States of North America, at the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century, from 1800 to 1810, with Statistical Tables, and a New Map, by the author; Containing all the Late Discoveries, and Exhibiting the Division of Territorial Zones, Boundary Lines, &c., William Walton Esq. translation, notes and appendix, published by J. Booth et al. (London, 1814).
5. Milagros Beltrán Gandullo, ‘Una aproximación empírica-descriptiva sobre la prensa de lengua alemana y sobre sus redactores-corresponsales en el contexto de la Primera Guerra carlista (1833–1840)’, Aportes, vol. 34, no. 100 (2019), 71–98.