1. Adair B. 2014. “Poynter to hold Global Fact-Checking Summit in London”. Accessed February 6 2021. https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2014/poynter-to-hold-global-fact-checking-summit-in-london.
2. Adair B. and M. Stencel. 2016. “How We Identify Fact-Checkers”. Last modified July 9 2020. https://reporterslab.org/how-we-identify-fact-checkers/.
3. AFP Fact Check. n.d. “About us”. Accessed February 6 2021. https://factcheck.afp.com/about-us.
4. Africa Check. n.d. “Africa's First Independent Fact-Checking Organisation”. Accessed February 11 2021. https://africacheck.org/who-we-are.
5. Africa Check. n.d.a. “Code of Principles”. Accessed February 6 2021 https://africacheck.org/how-we-fact-check/code-principles.