1. The Problems of Band: An Inquiry into the Future of Instrumental Music Education
2. The Orchestra Director’s Guide to Classroom Management: Managing Students the PEACEful Way
3. Black Girls and School Discipline: The Complexities of Being Overrepresented and Understudied
4. Atzert, R., Cornecelli, E., Crabill, M., Dalina, S., Dennis, M., & Stensrud, M. (2016). Responsive classroom for music, art, PE, and other special areas. Center for Responsive Schools.
5. Baker, B., & Heyning, K. E. (2004). Dangerous coagulations? Research, education, and a traveling Foucault. In B. Baker & K. E. Heyning (Eds.), Dangerous coagulations? The uses of Foucault in the study of education (pp. 1–79). Peter Lang.