1. Elliott, P. 1972.The Sociology of the Professions, 92London: MacMillan. The concept of orientation has been drawn from role theory where orientation refers to the recognition and selection of ‘significant others’ — the reference groups comprising a role-set of whose expectations the actor takes account in behaviour In the extensive literature see; particularly
2. Discovering Natural Types of Role Orientation: An Application of Cluster Analysis
3. Hong Kong social work experiences high wastage rates which, from the qualitative data of this study, appears partially attributable to the difficulties experienced by workers in adjusting to both agency policies and the nature of social work. This finding suggests the importance of a longitudinal study of the socialization process in order to explain such turnover.
4. Bucher Rue Stelling Joan G.Becoming Professional, U.S. Sage , 1977 , p. 29 .