1. Making space for social inclusion in conceptualising climate change vulnerability
2. A practice–theory approach to homeowners' energy retrofits in four European areas
3. BBJ, 2013. Orbán prepares for “battle” over utility price cuts.Budapest Business Journal, 16 September [online]. Available from: http://www.bbj.hu/politics/orban-prepares-for-battle-over-utility-price-cuts_69150.
4. BBJ, 2014a. Government investigating “money Siphoning” of utility companies.Budapest Business Journal, 19 February [online]. Available from: http://www.bbj.hu/politics/government-investigating-money-siphoning-of-utility-companies_76043.
5. BBJ, 2014b. Fidesz proposal: reduce or scrap utility bill base fees.Budapest Business Journal, 25 February [online]. Available from: http://www.bbj.hu/politics/fidesz-proposal-reduce-or-scrap-utility-bill-base-fees_76277.