1. Stability properties of Kalman-Bucy filters
2. On feedback stabilizability of decentralized dynamic systems
3. The matrix minimum principle
4. The optimal decentralized control of a power system consisting of a number of interconnected synchronous machines†
5. SANDERS , C. W.
TACKER , E. C. , and
LINTON , T. D. , 1973 a , Technical Report ECE-73-1 ( University of Wisconsin-Madison ) ; 1973 b, Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Non-linear Estimation Theory and its Applications (San Diego, California); 1974a, I.E.E.E. Trans. autom. Control, 19, 259; 1974 b, Proceedings of the 1974 I.E.E.E. Conference on Decision and Control (Phoenix, Arizona) ; 1975, Proceedings of the IF AC Sixth World Congress (Boston, Massachusetts) .