1. Energy Conservation in New Housing Design
2. Technical Options for Energy Conservation in Buildings: 7 Ways to Reduce Fuel Consumption in Household Heating. … Through Energy Conservation, National Bureau of Standards, December, 1972; 11 Ways to Reduce Energy Consumption and Increase Comfort in Household Cooling, National Bureau of Standards, 1973.
3. More extensive treatments of BC and LCC analysis are provided in Ajit K Dasgupta and DW Pearce, Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Practice, (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1972) and Richard S Brown and Kenneth M Shachmut, Economic Analysis Handbook, NTIS AS-A020 859, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria VA, June 1975.
4. For a discussion of the determination of the optimal input combinations to minimize the cost of producing a given output or to maximize the output for a given cost, see Edwin Mansfield, Micro-economics: Theory and Applications (New York: WW Norton & Co, Inc, 1970) 148–156.