1. Overheated and underheated period concepts were put by Olgyay and Olgyay. (See reference 16.) Those concepts can briefly be defined as follows: UP is the portion of the year in which heating is needed and outdoor air temperature does not exceed 20° C. OP is the second portion of the year in which heating is not needed and the outdoor air temperature exceeds 20° C.
2. Daily total solar irradiation of the flat-roofed buildings were computed for various orientations and building shapes by M R Sharma (reference 18) and P Valko (reference 20). H. Buchberg and J Naruishi also investigated the variation of the absorbed portion of the daily total solar irradiation with building shape and orientation for flat-roofed buildings (reference 12). In this article, in addition to the computations similar to Valko's and Sharma's, daily total direct solar irradiation of the shed and gable-roofed buildings have been presented.
3. Under the natural ventilation conditions, natural ventilation system should be included in the natural climatization system as a system parameter.