1. Dynamical investigation of railway vehicles on a curved track
2. Zboiński, K. and Dusza, M. Analysis and method of the analysis of non-linear lateral stability of railway vehicles in curved track. Proceedings of the 18th IAVSD Symposium. Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 41, pp.222–231.
3. Zboiński, K. and Dusza, M. On the problems with determination of railway vehicle lateral stability in curves by means of numerical simulation. Paper presented at 9th Mini Conf. VSDIA (will be published in proceedings). 8–10 November. Budapest
4. Dusza, M. 2005. “Simulation studies of railway vehicle motion stability in curves with regard to influence of changes of the system chosen parameters”. Warsaw Technical University, Faculty of Transport (in Polish. PhD thesis
5. Chengrong, H. and Feisheng, Z. The numerical bifurcation method of non-linear lateral stability analysis of a locomotive. Proceedings of the 13th IAVSD Symposium. Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 23, pp.234–245.