1. The subscript s denotes the unit on the sweet molecule, to distinguish it from that on the receptor, r.
2. L. Hough and R. Khan, Progress in Sweetness, Ed., T. H. Grenby, London-New York, Elsevier Applied Science Ltd. (1989) pp 97–120.
3. R. S. Shallenberger, in Sensory Properties of Foods, Applied Science Publishers, London (1977) pp 91–100.
4. F. W. Lichtenthaier, S. Immel, and U. Kreis, "Evolution of the Structural Representation of Sucrose" in Carbohydrates as Organic Raw Materials, Ed. F. W. Lichtenthaier, ISBN 3–527–28280–7 VCH, Weinheim, 1991, pp 1–32.
5. C. E. James, unpublished resul 1988): L. Hough, "Enhancement of the Sweetness of Sucrose by Conversion into Chloro-deoxy Derivatives", in Developments in Sweeteners-4, Ed. Grenby, Elsevier Applied Science Publ., 1989, ISBN 1–85166–364–9, London, pp 97–120.