1. Lakes as sentinels of climate change
2. Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute. n.d. Historical orthophotos; [cited 15 Nov 2023]. Available via FTP from anonymous@ftp.public.abmi.ca. [navigate to GISData\HistoricalOrthophotos\NTS_50K_Tiffs]
3. Alberta Environment 1976. Cooking Lake Area study. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Environment, Planning Division.
4. Alberta Government 2024. Groundwater Observation Well Network (GOWN) Monitoring Data; [cited 5 Dec 2023]. http://www.environment.alberta.ca/apps/GOWN/
5. Alberta Government. n.d.-a. Water Quality Data Portal; [water quality data for Cooking Hastings and Miquelon Lakes cited 15 Nov 2023]. https://environment.extranet.gov.ab.ca/apps/WaterQuality/dataportal/