1. Is Surgical Workforce Diversity Increasing?
2. Association of American Medical Colleges . 2004 . “Results and Data: 2004 Match.” National Resident Matching Program: Washington, DC. Retrieved June 7, 2013 from http://www.nrmp.org/data/resultsanddata2004.pdf.
3. Association of American Medical Colleges . 2012a . “Diversity in Medical Education: Facts & Figures 2012.” Retrieved June 7, 2013 from https://members.aamc.org/eweb/upload/Diversity%20in%20Medical%20Education_Facts%20and%20Figures%202012.pdf.
4. Association of American Medical Colleges . 2012b . “Total Enrollment by U.S. Medical School and Race and Ethnicity, 2012.” Retrieved June 7, 2013 from https://www.aamc.org/download/321540/data/2012factstable31.pdf.