1. Sverdrup, C, Andersen, K and Anderson, S. A comparative study of indoor climate and human health in 74 day‐care center workers in Malmö, Sweden. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. vol 1, pp.651–55. Ottawa, Canada: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
2. Air quality during the winter in Québec day-care centers.
3. Ventilation and indoor air quality in Finnish daycare centers
4. Mouilleseaux, A, Squinazi, F and Festy, B. Microbial characterization of air quality in classrooms. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. vol 4, pp.195–200. Jyvaskyala, Finland: Gummerus Oy.
5. Dionne, J C and Soto, J C. Indoor air pollution study in six day‐care centers located in Metropolitan Montreal. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. vol 1, pp.187–92. Ottawa, Canada: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.