1. Department of Laboratory MedicineShanghai General HospitalShanghai JiaoTong University School of MedicineShanghaiChina
2. Center for Reproduction and GeneticsSuzhou Hospital affiliated to Nanjing Medical UniversitySuzhouChina
3. Shanghai‐MOST Key Laboratory of Health and Disease GenomicsChinese National Human Genome Center at ShanghaiShanghaiChina
4. Department of Laboratory MedicineThe Affiliated Hospital of Putian UniversityPutian UniveristyPutianChina
5. Department of Respiratory MedicineShanghai General HospitalShanghai JiaoTong University School of MedicineShanghaiChina
6. Department of Clinical LaboratoryShanghai First People's Hospital Baoshan BranchShanghaiChina