1. ASHBY, D.J., HARPER, A. & VAN SCHAIK, C. 1973. Deep sea wave clinometer data from 1967–1972.CSIR Rep., ME 1263.
2. DAY, J.H. 1969. A guide to marine life on South African shores. A.A. Balkema, Cape Town, South Africa.
3. DE VILLIERS, A.F. 1976. Ecology of macrofauna inhabiting plane surfaces in the littoral zone of St. Croix Island with notes on the effects of ore-dust. Zoology Hons Project, University of Port Elizabeth (unpubl.), Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
4. LEWIS, J.R. 1964. The ecology of rocky shores. English Univ. Press, London.
5. MARITIME WEATHER OFFICE 1975–1977. East coast sea-surface temperature charts — 10 day means. Department of Transport, Cape Town, South Africa.