1. Library of Marine Samples, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Geoje, Republic of Korea
2. Biological Resource Center/Korean Collection for Type Cultures (KCTC), Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Jeongeup, Republic of Korea
3. Department of Marine Biodiversity, Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xiamen 361005, China
4. Ifremer, LITTORAL, Concarneau, France
5. Laboratory of Coastal Environment and Ecology, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Republic of Korea
6. Ballast Water Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, Geoje, Republic of Korea
7. Faculty of Marine Applied Biosciences, Kunsan National University, Gunsan, Republic of Korea
8. Department of Life Science, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsipriro, Seongdonggu, Seoul, Republic of Korea