1. Fire Code Reform Project. Business plan for the Fire Code Reform Program. Ove-Arup & Partners, Melbourne Australia, 1993.
2. National Association of Forest Industries, Australia. Multi-residential timber framed construction, 1: Building Code of Australia fire and sound requirements for class 1, 2 and 3 buildings, 1995, ISBN 1 875432 32 9, 28pp.
3. National Association of Forest Industries, Australia. Multi-residential timber framed construction, 2: design and construction manual for class 1, 2 and 3 buildings, 1995, ISBN 1 875432 31 0, 56pp.
4. National Association of Forest Industries, Australia. Multi-residential timber framed construction, 3: structural engineering guide for class 1, 2 and 3 buildings. 1995, ISBN 1 875432 30 2, 16pp.
5. Standards Australia. Australian standard, timber structures, part 4: fire-resistance of structural timber members, AS1720.4. 1990, ISBN 0 7262 6012 6, 8pp.