1. Review of Japanese results on heating and current drive
2. Podda, S., Granucc, G., Pericoli-Ridolfini, V., Barbato, E., Esposito, B., Gormezano, C., Marinucci, M., Mirizzi, F. and Panaccione, L. LH current drive at ITER relevant condition in FTU tokamak. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Fusion Energy 2002, Lyon, IAEA-CN94-PD/P-07, Vein.
3. Progress towards high-power lower hybrid current drive in TORE SUPRA
4. Jet team (presented by C. Gormezano). Non-inductive current drive in JET. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Nuclear Fusion Research. Vol. 1, pp.587–600. Wurzburg