1. Harvey , David . 1990.The Condition of Posnnodernity, viiiOxford: Blackwell. As one of the anonymous readers pointed out, there are clearly geographical differences in approaches to Japanese Studies. This paper reviews 20 years of 'Australian-style' Japanese Studies, a period characterised by the so-called Contemporary Paradigm, a critical approach to contemporary Japanese society dominated by the social sciences; see
2. Low , Morris . May 1997.'Visions of Japanese Studies in Australia: A Short History', The Japan Foundation Papers No. 4 May, 5 The use of the term 'Japanese Studies' throughout the rest of this paper reflects this narrow historical/sociological/anthropological focus, still reflected in the dominance of 'gatekeepers' trained pre-1980, such as Sugimoto and (the obviously British) Hendry, whose introductory texts are often the first point of entry for new students
3. Japanese Encounters with Postmodernity
4. Introduction